Land Management During East-German OPAL New Construction by Web-Based Right-of-Way Support
Proceedings Publication Date
Maria Isabel Arbelaez
Maria Isabel Arbelaez, Jens Focke
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In all part of the world pipelines are crossing private areas and have to be planned, approved, constructed, compensated and administrated during the entire pipeline live. The process of right-of-way administration has to cover demands during the planning, construction and later operational phase of the pipeline.

The entire workflow needs to handle all data and has to handle all communication aspects. To satisfy this workflow detailed knowledge about the following aspects are needed: • Geographic relation of potential pipeline routes, working areas, sensitive land-capes and private parcels • Personal information about owners and tenants for any communication aspects • Calculation of compensation fees based on agricultural products and land use on related farming areas • Handling of contracts, construction approvals and documentation of environmental damages • Capturing of historic information over a long period concerning change of ownerships, compensation payments   and parcels boundary updates • Harmonized use of cadastral ground map data in international acting companies.

During the actual planning and construction phase of OPAL (Ostsee-Pipeline-Anbindungs-Leitung – Baltic Sea Pipeline Link) all key processes are supported by external engineering and construction companies, who are working remote and have easy access to the rght-of-way-servers of WINGAS. This centralized server is handling local base map data with a need for short-termed data update. The contract documents as well as commercial information are also handled in this system, which is linked to an integrated document management system and the commercial system SAP for the payments of compensations. All information is available in the field via internet connection. To support all named aspects a lean, state-of-the-art web-based database architecture is requested and guarantees a high level of scalability and flexibility in case of changes inside the project organization.

The report will prove that the introduced Land Management System supports all steps during OPAL`s construction phases and results in the final right-of-way documentation at the end of the project, without any additional cost on staff in the right-of-way department of WINGAS.

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