Implementation Strategie to Use In-Line-Inspection Data in Companies IT-Environment
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Based on international recommendation for the implementation of Pipeline Integrity Management Systems (PIMS) data integration is the most critical initial activity to start with. International exchange formats for measurement data from In-Line-Inspection activities (ILI) as well as data from Corrosion Protection (CP) are missing, so that data harmonisation becomes part of operators preliminary data-integration process. Based on more stringent demands of central IT-departments data integration becomes a broader advertence. Anyway, all operators have data from several vendors and operations in place having used different inspection technologies over years and are trying to get additional benefits out of given data.
Based on several projects in this field GEOMAGIC will introduce its approach of handling ILI and CP data. Successful implementations by using Geographic Information Technology (GIS) as part of an overall PIMS-infrastructure are building up the interface for further calculations, assessments and integration of these data. Even because of long-term assessment needs, operators’ motivation should increase to support and benefit from a clear IT-concept. This may help to achieve better operational support for daily maintenance activities, even in case of better transparency in internal and external audits.
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