The Role of Gas Pipelines in Decarbonization of EU’s Energy Sector
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Barbara Jinks
Barbara Jinks
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With the increasing demand for solutions to decarbonise energy, the gas infrastructure plays an increasingly important role and GIE members fully support the Paris Targets. Recent studies have shown that decarbonisation cannot take place with the extensive system of gas infrastructure, essentially not without the network of pipelines, for reasons of cost, security of supply, energy system flexibility and storage of renewable energy (in both gaseous and electric form). This is explained under the 3is; infrastructure, integration and innovation.

In its GIE Vision 2050, GIE envisages the role of gas pipelines as essential - based on the three pillars infrastructureintegration and innovation. The vision paper can be viewed here [1]. Pipelines continue to supply reliable, clean, affordable energy throughout the EU to 2050 and beyond. Significant cost savings will result from using the existing gas infrastructure to deliver and store increased quantities of renewable and decarbonised energy, rather than build new electricity networks.

The extensive gas transmission system facilitates a fully developed EU energy market for all gases, which will be achieved soon, reaching comparable levels of market integration and price convergence for the benefit of all EU consumers.  An integrated system approach to the development of gas and electricity energy systems is needed to optimise the delivery of energy to consumers and increase the ability to store renewable energy, far exceeding battery capacity and at much lower cost.

Gas Transmission System Operators need to innovate the ways they operate and conduct business to achieve decarbonisation, including the gas infrastructure facilitates increased renewable energy storage through sector integration and sector coupling.

Barbara’s talk will provide the facts and data to support the GIE Vision 2050 and provide a list of key asks to policy makers in recognition of the role of pipelines in the energy transition.


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