Achieving Traceability of Material and Construction Quality in Real Time on Pipeline Construction Projects
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Pipeline construction projects that typically feature large diameter pipelines passing through various types of terrain are complex and challenging initiatives. At times, being in the thousand kilometer ranges, these lines could go from the plains into the mountains, dry land to offshore environments and from unpopulated stretches to dense urban areas.
The design might involve multiple grades of steel pipe, different types of coatings and various wall thickness sizes with possible diameter changes too.
In projects of such magnitude, one of the key challenges is in tracking material and its installation from production to quality of construction.
This paper will take an in-depth look at how material and construction traceability can be achieved in such complex projects. We will see that effective solutions built around modern day technologies such as mobile devices, the Internet and geo-spatial technologies can help us achieve a high level of material, manpower and quality management in real time.
Adopting a case scenario with multiple points of pipe production and fabrication (possibly in different geographies) and supply of this material to different delivery points (construction spreads) on a project, the paper will examine the entire data management and reporting process.
It will elucidate how the production quality of critical material (pipes, valves etc.) can be traced to the points of fabrication. Thereon, tracking the logistics of delivery of this material to further points along the supply chain or the final usage location or point of installation.
It will go on to explain, that once the material in on construction spreads, how construction activity and its quality aspects could be logged and reported using algorithmic comparisons to design data, which could take place near instantaneously. Both tracking and reporting could be spatially enabled.
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