Composite Sleeves for Permanently Restoring the Serviceability of Pipe: A Review of Testing and Standards
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New technology for repair of pipes and pipelines has attracted great interest in our industry, driven by the need to minimise costs by reducing downtime and maintaining production. The adoption of such technology must be carefully controlled to ensure continued, safe operation of the systems. This paper reviews what technical data are required to support appropriate applications of mechanically applied composites.
A review of how the durability of repairs in common environments under dynamic and static loading, with various defect geometries were demonstrated using laboratory scale tests and confirmatory testing at full scale is given. The programme has been demonstrated as suitable by the 20 years successful experience with the Clock Spring repair sleeve. The requirements of current guidance documents, such as ASME PCC-2 Article 4.1 and ISO 24817, are reviewed in light of this and it is shown that they are most suitable for repair of process pipe (e.g. built according to the requirements of ASME B31.3) rather than pipelines (B31.4 and B31.8) unless long term mechanical properties have been derived by testing.
A review of how the durability of repairs in common environments under dynamic and static loading, with various defect geometries were demonstrated using laboratory scale tests and confirmatory testing at full scale is given. The programme has been demonstrated as suitable by the 20 years successful experience with the Clock Spring repair sleeve. The requirements of current guidance documents, such as ASME PCC-2 Article 4.1 and ISO 24817, are reviewed in light of this and it is shown that they are most suitable for repair of process pipe (e.g. built according to the requirements of ASME B31.3) rather than pipelines (B31.4 and B31.8) unless long term mechanical properties have been derived by testing.
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