Mechanical deformities are common concerns to pipeline operators. These deformities threaten the pipeline integrity to a great extent. Pipeline geometry is evaluated using a robot equipped with sensors in the form of mechanical fingers or touchless arms to evaluate the pipeline geometry. Upon detection of any deformities in an operating pipeline, most common concern lies with evaluation and fitness for service assessment of all such anomalies. These mechanical deformities can be ovality, dent, wrinkle, buckle etc. Several methods have been described in literature for evaluation of mechanical deformities in the pipeline. The paper deals with the most common type of pipeline deformity i.e. Dent. Several levels of assessments are available in the literature of dent evaluation. Dents are characterized by geometry and/or vicinity to another pipeline anomaly. This paper implements and evaluates the integrity of several types of dents in a heavily cycled pipeline system. The paper and research approach also provides a systematic evaluation of dents based on the several empirical approaches demonstrated throughout the literature.
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