Pipelines Integrity Management Plans: an Initiative toward Collaboratively Managing Pipelines Integrity
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Saudi Aramco is undertaking an initiative to establish Integrity Management Plans (IMP) for every pipeline. The plan capitalizes not only on the inline inspection results (metal loss, cracks, coating disbondment) but also on every possible measure to ensure the pipelines integrity is intact. IMP’s vary in content as factors affecting pipelines integrity are not always the same but they share in common a number of key components:
1. Pipelines Operational Parameters
2. Pipelines Inspection Findings
3. Pipelines Threat Evaluation
4. Repair and Remediation
5. Preventive Mitigative Measures
On the other hand, IMP’s main advantage is that they promote collaboration and help avoiding individual assessments (such as corrosion management studies, repair plans, …etc ). Furthermore, IMP’s consider High Consequence Areas (HCA) in order lower pipelines failure consequences in critical areas by prioritizing the repair.
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