Pipestatus - a project that deals with condition assessment of buried district heating and water pipes
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Pipestatus is a two year project that will focus on development, testing and verification of five chosen methods for condition assessment on water- and district heating pipes. These methods are all both trenchless and non-disruptive of service. The project partners will provide with pipingsystems for tests, taking up pipesegments to be sent to an independent lab for verification of the methods. The methods are: 1.The Delta-t method. It is an acoustic method for finding out the remaining wallthickness of a pipeline. It measures the speed of the sound inside the pipe which depends on the remaining wallthickness. 2.Ground Penetrating Radar. Recent research indicates that it is possible to locate corrosion on pipes due to corrosion contaminants in the soil that affects the signal. Other studies have shown that GPR successfully has detected leaks on waterpipes and might have potential to detect moisture around pipes. 3.Resistivity. Resistivity is a complement to GPR and measures the earth corrosivity. Earth corrosivity has shown to have a clear relation to corrosion on the outside of pipes. Maybe even ongoing corrosion areas along the pipe is possible to detect. 4.Electrochemical method. This method use electricity to detect damage or leakage in metallic water- and district heating pipes. 5.Pipe Inspector. Pipe Inspector is a camera that is suitable both for water- and district heating pipes. It delivers HD picture of the inside, leakage sound recording and exact location of the leak. The project ´s aim is to find the best combination of methods to give sure and accurate picture of the state of the pipe. Additionally, a data platform will be created to gather in historical data about individual pipes, external data and data from the methods to present a clear picture of the status.
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