Requirements for safe and reliable CO2 transportation pipeline (SARCO2-A) – Project Update
Proceedings Publication Date
Dr. Stefan Jäger
Dr. Stefan Jäger, Dr. Christoph Bosch, Michel Meyer, Dr. Antonio Lucci
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The concept of carbon capture and storage (CCS) might become a huge contribution for reducing the amount of anthropogenic carbon dioxide released to the atmosphere and thus can help in containing the greenhouse effect. Since the realisation of this concept requires the application of new techniques for capture, transport and storage of liquefied CO2, a multitude of research projects were started on these topics, first, mainly on capture and storage, but later on also on transport of CO2. One of these projects, SARCO2-A, dealing with several aspects of the pipeline transportation issue for CCS, was presented at the PTC 2011. The project is carried out by a consortium of companies encompassing an electricity and gas transporter (National Grid), two energy providers (GdF SUEZ and Open Grid Europe), an oil and gas company and energy provider (eni), three pipe manufacturers (EUROPIPE, Salzgitter Mannesmann Line Pipe and Vallourec & Mannesmann Tubes) and two research centres (Centro Sviluppo Materiali and Salzgitter Mannesmann Forschung) all contributing to other aspects of transporting carbon dioxide. This work provides an update on the detailed research approach of the SARCO2-A-project and presents selected results found out in the course of investigations. Findings of an in-depth study on likely composition and constitution of CO2 mixtures coming out of the different capture processes are presented. This fundamental study was used as basis for the experimental work in the project. The experimental part encompasses investigation of different corrosion phenomena like general and localised corrosion and corrosion forms related to certain impurities in anthropogenic CO2. Corrosion protection concepts in shape of inhibitor systems or coatings are studied in small and full-scale tests for classifying their applicability in CO2 pipelines. For conducting safety and reliability analyses of such pipelines, the leakage behaviour of CO2 upon release is assessed, with experimental data facilitating the simulation of CO2 release phenomena.

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