Salzgitter Mannesmann Forschung Germany All previous conference papers fromSalzgitter Mannesmann Forschung Title Presenter Conference year HAZ Properties of Nb containing high strength pipeline steels Dr. Jörg Wiebe ptc 2017 Pipe features identified during inline inspection using MFL pigs Dr. Hossein Karbasian ptc 2016 Integrity of longitudinal welds on bends – choice of relevant test methods Dr. Marion Erdelen-Peppler ptc 2016 High Strength Large Diameter UOE Line Pipes Optimised for Application in Remote Areas and Low-Temperature Service Dr. Charles Stallybrass ptc 2013 Axial strain capacity of line pipe subjected to combined loading conditions - An experimental approach in full-scale dimension: LiSA Dr. Steffen Zimmermann ptc 2013 Requirements for safe and reliable CO2 transportation pipeline (SARCO2-A) – Project Update Dr. Stefan Jäger ptc 2013 Requirements for safe and reliable CO2 transportation pipeline Dr. Stefan Jäger ptc 2011 The European Pipeline Research Group: Recent Research Activities Directed Towards Improved Pipeline Safety and Reliability Dr. Gerhard Knauf ptc 2008 EPRG - Research for Pipeline Safety Dr. Gerhard Knauf ptc 2006