Pipeline Technology Conference 2008

Event Date
Hannover Messe, Hannover, Germany
Conference Program

Proceedings (ISSN 2510-6716)

Title Author(s)
Advances in Feature Identification using Tri-Axial MFL Sensor Technology Scott Miller, Frank Sander
Black Powder, its Causes and Cures Peter van Beugen
Carbon Dioxide Transport in Pipelines - Under Special Consideration of Safety-Related Aspects Dr. Klaus-Dieter Kaufmann
Challenge Pipe Tracking - an Example from Nord-Stream AG Lothar Kreutzwald
Challenges for the European Pipeline Industry with Current and Future Standards and Regulations Peter Davis
A Comparison of DCVG Measurements with In-Line Inspection Results on a Pipeline under AC Influence Dr. Konrad Reber, W. Schmidt
Direct Pipe ®: Latest Innovation in Pipeline Construction - Technology and References Dr. Marc Peters
European Gas Engineer-joint study program (EGE-jsp) Arndt Heilmann
Helipipe - All Metal Composite Pipeline Structure Nigel Wright
An Innovative, Alternative Solution for Onshore Pipeline Contractors Bernard Quereillahc
An Innovative New Technology for Trenchless Rehabilitation of High Pressure Gas/Liquid Transmission Pipelines Steve Catha, Ray Burke, Dr. Melvin Kanninen
Managing the Technical Integrity of a Pipeline with an Out of the Box GIS- and Geodata-based PIMS Philipp Ahlner
Natural Gas Industry in Iran Hedayat Omidvar
New Multi-Technology In-Line Inspection Tool For The Quantitative Wall Thickness Measurement Of Gas Pipelines A. Barbian, M. Beller, F. Niese, N. Thielager, H. Willems
New Pig for Gas Pipeline Crack Inspections - Enhancements Derived from 5 Years’ Operational Experience David Allen, Andrew Mann, Stephan Tappert
Nord Stream, Essential Milestones on the Way Forward Dr. Werner Rott
On-line Surveys within Operational Pipelines Prior to Cleaning to Determine the Location and Amount of Deposits Björn Asseln
Pipeline vs. LNG Ralf G. Schwimmbeck
Preliminary Environmental Assessment for the Environmental Impact Study of the Onshore Phase of the Mexilhão Project: Caraguatatuba Gas Treatment Plant and Caraguatatuba-Taubaté Gas Pipeline Dr. Wilson José de Oliveira, Marcelo Bernardes Secron, Shanty Navarro Hurtado, Edson Rodrigues Pereira Junior, Daniella dos Santos Medeiros
Regulatory Framework and Approval Criteria for Pipelines in Germany Klaus Söntgerath
Event Date