Safety and Security: Integrated Solution Concepts for High-threat Areas
Proceedings Publication Date
Louis Harnois
Marc Carrier, Louis Harnois,Kevin Tardif ,Martin Tremblay ,Martin Laporte
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A safe, secure, and peaceful environment, is something most organizations will strive for, but the reality may at times be different. The same reality applies to the Oil and Gas sector operating in regions where terrorist and criminal activities pose a serious threat. This presentation is meant for an audience in the Oil & Gas industry with activities in high-risk areas. When operating in these difficult conditions, whether during construction or operations, the adequate protection of people, equipment, and infrastructures is paramount. The question is not should we protect, but how we should protect? The answer is not obvious and there may be many answers to that question. In today’s security market, many suppliers offer a wide range of products; some being great, others somewhat good, and the remainder in great need of improvement. So how can we ensure the selection of the right security equipment fit while ensuring that it will be efficient? You may only know this after several years of trials and errors, large amounts of money invested, and the unfortunate possible outcome of loss of lives, material, and production. We believe the key is a fully integrated solution. We, as experts in Security solutions, know that it can only be initiated through a rigorous design process, assisted by a knowledgeable integrator, and the use of powerful state-of-the-art software. The goal of this paper is to demonstrate that it is possible to significantly improve the process of designing, implementing, and operating a fully integrated security solution by choosing the right people, the right tools, the right equipment, and mostly, the proper product match. We will present this concept and explain the different steps to reach an effective integrated security solution that will allow an enhanced protection for your people, your equipment, and your infrastructures, while keeping operations running whether in downstream, midstream, or upstream sectors.

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