Trenchless replacement of defective sewer pipelines using pipe bursting
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The amount of pipelines in need of repair and/or replacement is constantly increasing worldwide, this goes for supply pipelines as well as for sewer pipelines. With sewer pipelines, cracks and leaks can lead to soil and or groundwater being contaminated. Thus the security of wastewater networks depends on the level of sewer mains replacement to a great extent. Leaking sewer pipelines force wastewater authorities to decide whether to repair, renovate or even replace the defective pipelines.The main decisive factors for choosing the appropriate method are the degree and type of damage, the sustainability of the method and the resulting rehabilitation cost. Modern trenchless pipeline rehabilitation techniques provide economic and environmentally friendly solutions for the different requirements. Compared to open trench methods they minimize traffic disruption, noise emission loads, dust and surface disruption, danger of damages to existing pipes and cables, intervention in ground water and soil, storage and transportation of the excavated soil. The choice of techniques ranges from punctual repair over partial renovation to complete renewal of the defective pipeline. Static pipe bursting with GRUNDOBURST is an approved method for renewing pressure and free gradient lines; it has been in use all over the world for the past 30 years. Old pipes (VCP, lead, PVC, PE, grey cast iron, ductile cast iron, AC,GFRP, steel etc.) are replaced with new pipes (PE, PP, VCP, ductile cast iron, GFRP, steel, PVC etc.) with identical, smaller or larger diameters. Daily capacities of 150 – 300 m are possible. The technique can be used for almost any type of damage. The result is a new pipe with a service life of 80 - 100 years in perfect static conditions at 40 % cost saving in comparison to open trench methods. Different models allow for application out of construction and/or manholes into pits and/or manholes.
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