Asset Management and Loss Prevention Strategies for Large Diameter Pipelines
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Pipeline risk assessments typically use age, the expected life (book value) of an asset, and failure records to determine the risk and/or remaining service life of pipelines. This is then translated into a prioritized replacement strategy. However, age has been shown to be one of the least reliable predictive factors in pipe failure based on findings by the US EPA, Water Research Foundation, and multiple utilities where data indicates that 70% to 90% of the replaced pipe has remaining life. Data from Pure Technologies’ thousands of miles of pipeline assessment also supports these findings. In fact our clients have found that pressure pipes typically do not deteriorate or fail systematically along their full length. Rather, pipe condition is usually related to localized problems due to design, manufacturing, installation, environmental, operational, or maintenance factors. Often, it is a combination of several of these factors that lead to failures. The financial and operational benefits of extending the life of pipelines assets until they near their actual end of life are significant. Defects and deterioration of mains can be wide ranging and can vary from one pipe material to another. To identify different defects in mains, it is often prudent to use multiple techniques and technologies. We will present examples of Pure’s engineering experience and suite of inspection technologies that can be applied to address different operational challenges including screening tools providing leak and gas pocket detection and higher resolution technologies which are able to point accurately pipes with specific structural damage, and critical defect.
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