Bridges as critical part of pipeline infrastructure shown by the example of rain and wastewater.
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Andreas Perndorfer
Andreas Perndorfer
Part of the proceedings of

Bridges by the best part are highly recognized structures within our worldwide infrastructure. Without a thought these constructions have and had a great impact on social and economic growth all over the planet.

But next to the impressive and technically sophisticated steel a concrete structure which provides the space for traffic there is a by the public most overseen part of critical infrastructure winding its way under and through these structures.

Next to transport infrastructure for heating, cooling, electricity, water, gas and many more there must be ensured that corrosion does not have a lifespan reducing influence.

A drainage water system which ensures the correct drainage of rainwater an expands the lifecycle of these structures, reduces the effort of maintenance, and performs with fast reconstruction and construction times.

Shown by the example of the Italian-Austrian Brenner Bridge and further projects the different perspectives on PP, PE and multilayer pipes will be focused.

With the same systems and principles waste and rainwater can be used to insure save and lossless transportation, reduction of external pollution and long lifespan without repeating repairs and corrosion.

Finally, it will be shown how Austrian regulators reacted and set standards which can be used as example for similar improvements on these important infrastructures all over Europe.

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