Building the Fluid Highways of the future - the Long Pipes, Fluid Highway, development program so far
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The world needs a new lower cost more efficient means of fluid transportation for oil, gas, water etc. Like almost all new technologies that we are working with today from rockets, to fighter jets, to cars and now pipe lines the answer appears to be composites. These materials are many times stronger and lighter than steel. They are inherently corrosion resistant or immune to corrosion. They can be made to sense fell alert the operator or defend the pipe. Yet any one material on its own cannot do the job so we are pioneering a new pipeline technology that combines many composite materials and promises to produce a completely new technology in pipelines that are made continuously in the field at high speed. We call it the Fluid Highway. This is the story of the history, development to date; the trials, the tribulations and the successes on the development road to produce the Fluid Highway.
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