Corrosion Growth Analysis - Case Study of MFL-UT Combined inspection
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Ultrasonic wall thickness inspection technologies (UT) as well as magnetic flux leakage inspections (MFL) are widely used for inline inspection (ILI) of pipelines. ROSEN offers a combined inspection service for MFL and UT technology with one inspection tool. These two methodologically independent measurements with one ILI run enable to supply a combined inspection service with many operational and qualitative benefits.
The paper will describe and enlighten major advantages of the data integration based on a case study. This will include a short discussion of operational aspects of the inline inspection run and a comparison of ultrasonic and magnetic flux leakage stand-alone findings compared with the results of the combined approach.
The case study is based on a representative amount of high quality field verifications, covering a well defined time interval with repeated field and ILI measurements. This allows to quantitatively analyze the advantages of the combination also in regards to corrosion growth.
This concrete example of repeated ILI measurement data of the two major inline inspection methods MFL and UT will provide an instructive insight to the benefits of their combination in sizing, classification and corrosion growth analysis.
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