Deepwater NDT Technology for pipes and tubular structures
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A new NDT inspection technology to inspect pipes and tubular structures for deepwater has been designed. This technology designed by SubCTest prototype has been conceived by the SMEs in order to exploit a new market with the potential for huge growth – NDT for off-shore subsea structures.
The SubCTest system consists in a ROV deployed NDT collar employing two technologies: Long Range Ultrasonic Testing (LRUT) and Electromagnetic Acoustic Transducer (EMAT). Once the LRUT detects a defect on a subsea pipe or structure the EMAT will investigate the severity of the defect. LRUT covers a length of pipe simultaneously which makes the inspection less time consuming. The collar has been built and tested in a water tank and now the project is at a development stage to take it to demonstration level. Once the collar reaches this stage it will be deployed under sea using a work-class ROV to test subsea pipes.
The SubCTest prototype will allow the demonstration and validation of LRUT and EMAT technologies inspection underwater and establish a lead in the emerging market of deepwater structure inspection. In addition, will provide NDT services and components to oil/platform operators and potentially to the offshore wind turbine sector.
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