The Reliability Focused Analysis Technique is a method of analysis that can be used to evaluate reliability for a specific system, and addresses availability and maintainability related issues. This approach is based on holistic reliability and evaluation and analysis of maintenance data, which involves reviewing maintenance strategies, system capacity to identify operational and maintenance gaps, and recommending and resolving chronic and critical issues.
A case study was conducted by using this technique to improve reliability and availability of critical valves in the Saudi Aramco Oil and Gas Supply Network. These valves are classified based on their criticality and failure consequences. A comprehensive reliability assessment was conducted for the top critical valves in the pipeline network. It addressed the chronic problems by validating the equipment criticality categorization, reviewing their maintenance strategies, analyzing valve data and failures modes, and identifying bad actor items and common failures. The reliability and maintenance data were benchmarked with other industry databases such as OREDA.
The implementation for the addressed recommendations of the Valve Reliability Assessment has improved the reliability for top critical valves by 10% and reduced their emergency maintenance cost by 43%. The study supported concerned organizations with developing the pipeline valves Reliability & Maintenance Databank, and selecting the appropriate valve types during the design stage.
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