Increased safety against dangerous gas leaks by means of laser and ultrasonic technology
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Martin T. Olesen
Martin T. Olesen
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In today’s industry, safety is a vital part of company strategy and culture, end especially in the process industry, and pipeline industry, safety is a major topic due to the nature and raw materials used in this industry. Within the Pipeline Industry, dangerous leaks of either flammable or deadly poisoners gasses is a main safety concern, and the industry are implementing various technologies to prevent and/or warn if accidental leaks occur. Within the pipeline industry, there are two main leak detection technologies used, one technology normally called LDS is for leak detection along the pipeline itself, and then there are the fixed fire & gas detection systems installed at compressor stations, major metring facilities along and in each end of the pipeline. Especially the fixed fire & gas detection system will need to be very reliable because these non-pipeline facilities can be very remote and in open ventilated aread where especially gas detection can be problematic with conventional gas detection. This presentation will present new technologies for more reliable gas detection in open and remote ventilated areas, at compressor stations, metering facilities, and all other facilities along the pipeline where fast and reliable gas leak detection are needed.

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