Innovation Management in Construction – Practical Approach
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Dr. Mustafa Abusalah
Mustafa Abusalah, John Tait
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Construction Industry is required more than any time before to be constantly alert and adapt Change. Globalization, changing of market conditions and client requirements, together with a new era of opportunities created by the development of new technologies fuel this pressure to think out of the box. Identification of learning gap is essential, what the organization knows, what it needs to know and what it can learn is essential to be prepared for the new challenges. Questions an organization would ask include: What is our ability to learn, use our knowledge and Innovate? What is the effectiveness and added value of creating an Innovative Platform? Value delivery and Client satisfaction is an objective of all construction companies. The Innovation process in Construction industry is an important source of competitive advantage and value delivery. While it is hard to achieve a sustainable innovative culture remains an obstacle, many critics claim that the Construction Industry is being very resistance to Change. This presentation suggests a strategy that was successfully applied to CCC which leads to successful implementation of Innovation Framework for Construction Organizations. The presentation highlights the Challenges, Change Management Plan, Crowdsourcing and Management commitment. How to Connect Innovation to Projects and how to get buy-ins is an important aspect of getting project team on board. This was implemented through an Innovation Platform that connects employees from different projects to share their innovations. The presentation suggests how to achieve an effective communication platform where employees can exchange ideas and how the Innovation can be sustained. Performance evaluation is an important aspect to demonstrate to decision makers’ money savings. Practical examples with focus on Pipeline projects will be discussed during the presentation.

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