Nowadays, the transport of hydrocarbons by pipeline is a profitable process by which they must be maintained in reliable conditions in their operation, maintenance, mechanical integrity and risk. PEMEX is in charge of maintaining approximately 17,000 kilometers in suitable conditions, transport: oil, gas, lpg, gasolines, fuel, fuel jet, petrochemicals, which are average age of 34 years, although many of these have already exceeded their design limit, this does not mean that they are not suitable for use since life by mechanical integrity It is indefinite according to the types of maintenance.
For the aforementioned, it is essential to establish life extension strategies for many of the cases we have in our pipeline network at the national level, for which the processes stipulated in the following documents will be used (ISO / TS 12747 Recommended practice for pipeline life extension and Y-002; Life extension for transportation systems).
Cases that are proposed to present are the following:
- Extension of the life of the asset in pipelines that present the phenomenon of fatigue due to operative cyclicity in environments with almost neutral pH with possible hydrogen permeation.
- Extension of the life of the asset in pipelines where its stroke is aggressive from its design stage or its properties have been changed by the human being (Swamps, flood zones, aggressive soils, garbage dumps, pastures, etc.)
The methodology to carry out these extensions of life will be done by classifying the type of condition of the pipeline (unknown condition, by design, by operational experience or by quantitative measurements) to later indicate the current condition, the premises of the extension of life and indicating the improvements in the re-evaluation stage if it is not that their improvements have been previously identified. With this we would have the sustenance of how much life we extend with them.
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