Liquid Applied Internal Flow Coatings for Oil Transmission Lines
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The application of high performance two component epoxy coatings to internals of pipes, has a track record of over 40 years. Within the Oil and Gas Industry it is taken as standard to internally line any Sweet/ Sour Gas Transmission Lines. The arguments for lining have been won and the sound economical benefits are agreed by everyone. However the same reasons for lining a gas pipe can be made for Oil pipelines as well. In fact, under close scrutiny, these same arguments could be made more vociferously as oil pipelines are transporting a higher viscosity fluid with more friction and abrasion within the pipeline.
Over the next few pages I aim to set out a coherent argument setting out the reasons for internally lining Oil Pipelines.
Over the next few pages I aim to set out a coherent argument setting out the reasons for internally lining Oil Pipelines.
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