Operational Transparency, Business Excellence and KPI Management
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Pipeline – operations intelligence aggregates the operating data, subjects it to goal-oriented processing, and links it in real time with business-relevant data - for better decisions and increased pipeline performance. Many oil and gas companies are already working with pipeline MIS - operations intelligence, which provides them with the highest levels of performance and economical plant operation. Pipeline MIS - operations intelligence supplies the software platform, and the expert consulting from Siemens adjusts it to the specific requirements of the customer and their facility. The decisive components of pipeline MIS - operations intelligence are the KPIs (key performance indicators), quantified benchmarks that impact the operation and future development of a pipeline. These include such process indicators as pressure, temperature, losses, operating time, cost, and maintenance-related data as well as energy consumption. Technological indicators like fault and availability data also play an important role. In addition, we recommend that customers compile so-called “people KPIs” including accidents, down-time per team, and productivity. The basic philosophy behind the precision acquisition of the KPIs is to “measure and improve”: measurable data is gathered and condensed or positioned in relation to other data to form the basis for the ongoing development and optimization of a facility’s performance. One of Siemens’ special services is the supply of comparable data acquired worldwide, which makes benchmarking possible.