Pipeline Technology Conference 2014

Event Date
Estrel, Berlin, Germany
Conference Program

Proceedings (ISSN 2510-6716)

Title Author(s)
15 Years of Practical Experience with Fibre Optical Pipeline Leakage Detection Jan-Owe Brentle, Stephan Großwig
Airborne Gas Remote Detection – Techniques and Procedure Dr. Alex Scherello
Analysis and Trend Estimation of Geometry Defects and Metal Losses in the Pipeline Wall Based on UT Intelligent Pig Inspection Marceli Lewandowski, Pawel Raczynski
Asset Integrity Management - a Risk Based Approach Dave Oesterholt
Biogas into the natural gas grid: Challenges for the design, construction and operation of biogas feeding plants Uwe Ringel, Andreas Hirschter
Case Study in Economic Impact of Using Drag Reducing Agent on Cost of Pumping Crude Oil in Western Desert, Egypt Hesham A. M. Abdou
CONCAWE’s Oil and Petroleum Product Pipeline Performance Review Dr. Klaas H. den Haan, Peter Davis
Considerations to optimize electric motor compression stations Thomas Alban, Sylvain Guillemin, Pierre Laboube, Olivier Pellerin
Controlling Product Quality by Accurate Process Control in EUROPIPE’s High Performance UOE Pipe Mill Andreas Liessem, Ludwig Oesterlein, Thomas Kersting, Christoph Kalwa
Detecting Small Leaks in Liquid Pipelines Shane Siebenaler
Developments in Pipeline Welding Using Advanced Vision and Control R.J. Beattie, S. Rajagopalaan
Differentiation of 3D Scanners and Their Positioning Method When Applied to Pipeline Integrity Pierre-Hugues Allard, Jérôme-Alexandre Lavoie
Difficult to Pig and to Inspect Offshore Pipes A. Boenisch, S. Hartmann, K. Reber
Diverse Uses of Advanced Ultrasonic Inspection Technologies for Pipeline Manufacturing, Construction and Maintenance Andre Lamarre
Doability of Transcaspian Pipeline and Deliverability of Turkmen Gas to Turkey & EU Oguzhan Akyener
DRA Principles & Benefits to Pipeline Operation Nuno Carvalho, Yung Lee
Elimination of Pearlite-Ferrite Band Using Soft Reduction During Continuous Casting of Api 5l X 65 Steel Sadik Yetkin, Ahmet Türkoglu, Ali Kalkanli, Ekrem Selçuk
Emission Regulations – Finding the Optimal Retrofit Measure for GT Compressor Drives Markus Rentzsch, Carles Giro, Oliver Drux
Enhanced Threat Detection and Assessment Capabilities Using Multiple Dataset ILI Technology Juergen Ehrhardt, Jed Ludlow
E-RTTM – State of the Art Leak Detection Daniel Vogt
Event Date