Route Analysis

Title Presenter Company Country Conference Year
A smart decision-support GIS-based tool for the optimization of pipeline routing taking into consideration the potential geohazards Dr. Prodromos Psarropoulos National Technical University of Athens Greece Pipeline Technology Conference 2016
Deformation behaviour of HFI-welded pipes – some examples of present applications – Holger Brauer Mannesmann Line Pipe Germany Pipeline Technology Conference 2015
Efficient Crossing of Traffic Routes and Waterways Using The Dynamic Ramming Technique Gerhard Völkel TRACTO-TECHNIK Germany Pipeline Technology Conference 2012
Planned and Ongoing Pipeline Projects for Caspian Oil and Gas. A Race between Europe and China? Christian Heinz ILF Consulting Engineers Germany Pipeline Technology Conference 2011
Semi-optimised pipeline routing for CO2 Capture and Storage Kris Welkenhuysen Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences Belgium Pipeline Technology Conference 2011
New Transport Routes for Oil- and Gas Export out the Caspian Area – Will this Area Become Crucial for the European Energy Supply? Christian Heinz ILF Consulting Engineers Germany Pipeline Technology Conference 2010
Using Satellite InSAR in the Gas and Oil Industry; Route Analyses and Continuous Pipeline Coverage Analyses Suri Bayirli Fugro Aerial Mapping B.V. Netherlands Pipeline Technology Conference 2010
The Politics of Transnational Pipeline Projects: Nabucco Mark Iden Diplomacy International Group Belgium Pipeline Technology Conference 2008
Geographical Distribution of Oil and Natural Gas Deposits - Different Means of Transportation to the Consumption Centers Hilmar Rempel Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR) Germany Pipeline Technology Conference 2006
Pipeline Route Planning: Analyse Remote Sensing, Ground Movement and GIS Data Udo Wiese Ing.-Büro Udo Wiese Germany Pipeline Technology Conference 2006