In Colombia, most of gas pipeline transport is made of carbon steel which located throughout the country. This country stands out for its rich geographies such as coastal plains in the north and west of the country, Andes Mountains crossing the territory, and the plane pacific coast in the east of the country. Therefore, the nation possesses many water bodies which are crossed by the pipeline transport from gas production units through the market area of consumption. Depending on the operation characteristics, maintenance, and environment, a pipeline crossing a body water may run at several depths since in Colombia many of them are above the surface where hitting directly by a water stream that can yield permanent deformations, thereby the pipeline must be analyzed in order to determine the fitness-for-service and to design warranting strategies for a sustainable operation. The current research shows findings of concrete as a reinforcement of pipelines with a previous plastic deformation produced as a result of a crescent stream hitting on the pipeline. Thus, a finite element analysis simulation under different boundary conditions was performed in order to compare a pipeline without reinforcement to a pipeline wearing a concrete casing, both being hit by a crescent stream. The simulation took into consideration non-linear effects due to the geometry, type of material, and large generated deformations. Thus, findings show that highest stresses in the pipeline were reduced by 30% and translated from center of the pipe to non-worn areas of the pipeline because the usage of the concrete casing for any boundary condition run in the study, thus easing the execution of activities and integrity management since the critical zones of the pipeline is no longer located in areas hit by the water stream
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