With a renewed focus on decarbonization, the transition to technologies that leverage hydrogen and low-carbon fuels will be key in shaping this trend. Such an approach delivers a significant impact on reducing emissions in short turnaround times. In this paper, we demonstrate various challenges related to retrofitting an existing feed infrastructure for industrial combustors (e.g. GTs, boilers etc.). Transitioning such a system to a new greener fuel like hydrogen or low carbon mix requires careful analysis to tackle the following challenges: (1) Ensure acceptable rate of change of the fuel’s calorific indices (e.g. Wobbe Index) (2) Account for line pack and pressure disturbance propagation (3) Study capacity changes and additional buffer for sufficient survival times (4) Control to ensure performance and avoid releases and pressure build ups that may cause entire system to trip. Through this, we highlight how early insights can be gained thanks to the high-fidelity fluid dynamic system models and how such an approach provides investors confidence in such undertakings. We further propose some next steps for future work to use artificial intelligence and embed such models with OPC connectivity with SCADA/DCS systems in real time. Thereby reducing training requirements for operators and delivering deep and actionable insights for operational excellence in real time.
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