Emergency Response to OSPAR Pipeline in Guaratuba - PR.
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In the first fortnight of March 2011, after a season of continuous heavy rainfall, the hillside of km 58 +950 of OSPAR right-of-way was severely damaged by a geotechnical event classified as "hydraulic disassemble" of the massive earthen.
In this right-of-way there are three pipelines installed: OSPAR 30 "and 10 OPASC", operated by Petrobras Transporte S.A. - TRANSPETRO and GASBOL 20 ", operated by Transportadora Brasileira Gasoduto Bolívia-Brasil S.A. - TBG. The OSPAR pipeline is responsible for supplying the Getúlio Vargas Refinery - REPAR with crude oil, while the OPASC makes the distribution of products to the South of Brazil. The gas pipeline supplies the south of the country with natural gas imported from Bolivia.
This pipeline row crosses the Serra do Mar ridge and in the affected area it runs parallel to the highway BR-376, main route connecting the states of Santa Catarina and Paraná, which was also heavily damaged by the rainfall. In this point the highway was closed due to the accumulation of material that slid down from the slope over the tracks.
The event required stopping the operation with the drainage pipeline inventory and reducing operational pressure of the pipeline. The phenomenon occurred in two stages: first the vertex of the wedge slip was about 6 meters away from the border of the pipeline row, and second, triggered after the occurrence of a new episode of heavy rain, it went over its limits leaving the gas pipeline uncovered in an apparent stretch of about 6 meters long, making evident the emergency situation.
In this scenario TRANSPETRO led a work of emergency services in partnership with the TBG and the concessionaire responsible for the BR-376, for restoring the security conditions that allowed the return of pipelines operation within five days, the recovery of pressure regular work of the gas pipeline and releasing the bearing track blocked by the slipped earth.
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