First experiences with applying CHARM® second generation
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In order to improve the efficiency of leak detection surveys for high pressure natural gas pipeline grids airborne laser based detection methods have been developed during the last years. Diverse requirements for different countries and their individual gas guidelines were the basis for the enormous variety of airborne gas remote detection systems. CHARM is by far the most sophisticated system. Nevertheless due to the voluminous equipment a larger helicopter model with higher operation costs have to be used.
In order to decrease the relative operation costs per kilometer of proven pipeline a new generation of CHARM was developed over the past years. A ten times faster laser is in operation in the so called CHARM-2 system which allows a faster processing with wider inspection corridors.
This contribution to the PTC will describe the advantages of the new system compared with the first generation of CHARM and other gas remote detection systems. First practical experiences regarding the application of CHARM-2 will be presented.
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