First Full-scale Deployment of Nonmetallic Piping in a Newly Developed Oil Field Increment at Saudi Aramco
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One of the main strategies for combating the presence and threat of corrosion is to deploy nonmetallic materials in economically and technically feasible applications. Saudi Aramco established a comprehensive program to expand and promote the use of cost effective nonmetallic products to address operational challenges and enhance system integrity. One of these products is the utilization of reinforced thermoplastics pipes (RTP) in flowlines. It is important to highlight that the resources for making the RTP is originated from the hydrocarbon-based material and, therefore, the initiative to deploy RTP is to extend the value chain of the hydrocarbon business. Saudi Aramco supports RTP development due to its commitment to preserve environment and resource conservation. In line with the company’s objectives to minimize corrosion, reduce overall costs, and increase system reliability, the Khurais Producing Department of Saudi Aramco has embarked on a journey of deploying RTP wherever the application is deemed possible. Mass deployment of RTPs at Saudi Aramco first commenced during the Khurais Arab Light Crude Increment project. The Khurais crude increment project scope, one of the biggest Saudi Aramco oil projects, involved constructing more than 100 oil well flowlines to add 300,000 barrels per day to its production capacity. In this regard, the Khurais Producing Department has been pioneering the RTP deployment in the company. This paper will address the process that Khurais Producing has gone through in ensuring successful deployment of the nonmetallic product in its field. Specifically, it highlights the scope of installation, challenges, and value creations from such installation. Nonmetallic products are shaping the future of upstream flowlines after the successful deployment of the RTP in the sour hydrocarbon services at Khurais field.
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