Mobile Compressor - responsible use of primary energies, avoidance of climate-harming methan emissions
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During maintenance of gas pipelines the relevant sections often have to be shut off with isolation valves and then depressurized. This normally involves venting large quantities of gas to atmosphere, but this can be avoided thanks to mobile compressors. The compressor can be used singly or in highly efficient parallel operation and enable gas to be pumped from the isolated pipeline section into another pipeline system.
The use of mobile compressors minimizes the environmental impact and represents a significant cost saving. As well as preventing depressurization losses and evacuating the pipeline down to minimal residual pressures, methane emissions are reduced by up to 95%. In addition, responsible use of natural gas as a primary energy source is ensured, because the gas is not wasted and remains available for use.
This contribution to the Pipeline Technology Conference 2016 will provide an overview of the plant concept and the practical application of a mobile compressor. Furthermore, the high contribution to environmental protection as well as the responsibility in handling primary energy are represented.
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