Utilizing Risk Ranking to Prioritize Pipeline Integrity Management Activities
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The presentation presented the approach of utilizing Pipeline Risk Ranking to prioritize Integrity Management (IM) activities. A discussion on the methodology on how to come-up with risk ranking elements is also presented. The main approach was based on a semi-quantitative risk assessment method where all anticipated damage mechanisms related to onshore and offshore pipelines were taken into consideration. A specific set of Probability of Failure (PoF) and Consequence of Failure (CoF) factors were developed to suit current pipelines environment with regards to relevant impact on Safety, Economy and Environment. Subsequently, the integrity assessment is performed based on current and numerous ILI (in-line inspection) run history records to increase confident level in determining current pipeline integrity status. The integrity assessment results will then be used to plot the total Risk into a Risk Matrix by implementing risk Acceptance Criteria’s. Therefore, the risk ranking will be used to generate Integrity Management Planning (IMP) to further evaluate the risk related to governing (dominant) damage mechanism, e.g., evaluation of Cathodic Protection (CP) systems, defects under road crossings or High Consequence Area (HCA), susceptibility to Stress Corrosion Cracking (SCC), etc. The topic also discussed the Rehabilitation Planning as a result of the implementation of the pipeline risk ranking.
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