Dr.-Ing. Veenker Ingenieurges. Germany http://www.veenkergmbh.de All previous conference papers fromDr.-Ing. Veenker Ingenieurges. Title Presenter Conference year Technical assessment of gas transmission pipelines made of steel for the use as hydrogen transmission pipelines Henning Brüggemann ptc 2021 Crossing of the river Amu Darya along 1,800 metres with a 56” high-pressure gas pipeline using the HDD method Christian Veenker ptc 2011 The Standard DIN EN ISO 16708 in Germany: Is the Probabilistic Approach Mandatory for High-pressure Pipelines? Christian Veenker ptc 2009 Identification of Potential Savings and Rehabilitation Measures in the Application of a Pipeline Integrity Management System (PIMS) Christian Veenker ptc 2010 Proof of Integrity for High-Pressure Pipelines - A Constant Process Manfred Veenker ptc 2007 Pipeline-Integrity-Management-System - Quality Assurance for Design, Laying and Operation of Pipelines Manfred Veenker ptc 2006