Retrofitting existing natural gas Grit to transport hydrogen natural gas blends – challenges and possibilities of existing detectors and sensors
Proceedings Publication Date
Dr. Saba Esmaeely
Saba Esmaeely, Victoria Monsma, Shane Finneran
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In an effort toward decarbonizing the existing energy system, different natural gas utility companies across the globe have been planning to transition their natural gas grit to hydrogen – natural gas blends as one of the first steps toward low carbon fuels. However, such efforts require detailed assessments of the existing infrastructure for their feasibility of handling hydrogen safely. The assessment includes a high-level study which provides a guideline for the detailed study of the system. Such assessments are performed across different segments of the network, some of which were discussed in authors earlier publications. The existing paper addresses the needs to review current sensors, detectors, and tools as part of transitioning assessments. Considering different properties of hydrogen and natural, hydrogen is expected to alter the blended gas’s properties therefore existing tools might require calibration, modification, or replacement. Some of the more immediate changes are discussed in this paper, e.g. hydrogen flame’s properties are different than that of natural gas, therefore, when hydrogen is blended with natural gas the efficacy of existing flame detectors and other sensors should be assessed at different blending percentages and proper mitigation plans and strategies should be considered.

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