
Pipeline Open Knowledge Base

This is the ptc "Pipeline Open Knowledge Base" with abstracts and papers from 19 years of Pipeline Technology Conference. A unique database of pipeline knowledge for your reference and research purposes. Search through 1,000+ different abstracts and papers that are available on an open access basis.

Paper and Abstract Database
Title Presenter Company Country Part of the proceedings of Tags
Where engineers learn to become pipeline engineers – or how to enable Job-based-learning Dr. Robert Stein S&P Consult Germany Pipeline Technology Conference 2018 Qualification and Recruitment
Where offshore meets onshore: Trenchless solutions for pipeline landfalls Michael Lubberger Herrenknecht Germany Pipeline Technology Conference 2019 Construction, Environmental Impact, Planning and Design, Trenchless Technologies
Whole Pipeline Dent Fatigue - Efficient Assessment using FEA Susannah Turner Highgrade Associates United Kingdom Pipeline Technology Conference 2023 Inline Inspection, Integrity Management
Why apply EN-13480 to Split Tee for Hot Tapping and Isolation? David Stordeur T.D. Williamson United States Pipeline Technology Conference 2020 Construction
Why is Pipeline Leak Detection More Than Just Installing a Flowmeter at Inlet and Outlet? Hilko den Hollander KROHNE Oil & Gas Netherlands Pipeline Technology Conference 2007 Leak Detection
Wireless Portable LDS for Theft Detection Dr. Soonho Jeong Daehan Oil Pipeline Corporation South Korea Pipeline Technology Conference 2017 Third Party Impact, Leak Detection
X80 Pipelines in Arctic Environment: Prediction of the Long-Distance Ductile Fracture Propagation/Arrest Dr. Alexey Gervasyev Russian Research Institute of the Tube and Pipe Industries, JSC Russia Pipeline Technology Conference 2013 Climate Challenges, Planning and Design
Zap-Lok - A Mechanical Interference Connection Technology to Overcome Today’s Pipeline Installation Challenges Dr. Benjamin Chapman Tuboscope | NOV Wellbore Technologies France Pipeline Technology Conference 2019 Offshore
Zero Harm as an Achievable Target - How to Build a Journey Towards Zero for People, Significant Impacts on the Environment and the Community Julia Costa NTS - Nova Transportadora do Sudeste Brazil Pipeline Technology Conference 2020 Management, Safety